Is this Spring?

Yama Mama
Mar 20, 2021

The day is warm… Is this Spring?

The complexities of ecology are palpable on my winter skin.

We are always arriving upon the moment and yet somehow the destination is always a bit far off

and we are left wondering… Is this Spring?

Our heart seeds roll around in the soil a bit longer

gathering codes set in place since the dawn

Can I grow alongside these prehistoric patterns of spirit? Will I?

Doubt and fear arrive like a white wisp in the breeze…

once it falls to the earth I examine it more closely.

“AH. A feather,” I declare to the seed. “Carry on.”

Im infatuated with this breeze…

Hello Spring.



Yama Mama

I am an herbalist and lover of plants. I write stories and share tips on how to bring herbs into your home and cultivate a lasting friendship with them.